Tiggity Tag!
My sister Lyndee tagged me..so here goes..
How long have you been together? We've been married 131/2 years..wow!
How long did you date? 2 years
How old is he? 35..36 on christmas
Who eats more? he does for sure!
Who said "I love you" first? he did
Who is taller? he is..but not by much
Who is smarter? of course me..aren't women always smarter?
Who does the laundry? me unless he's really hard up and I'm not here!
Who does the dishes? me!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me
Who pays the bills? me
Who mows the lawn?Hunter and Braeden..isn't it nice to have big boys?
Who cooks dinner? we both do!
Who drives when you're together? he does
Who is more stubborn?Brandon...well I guess it depends on whats happening.
Who kissed who first? he wanted to kiss me first...but I guess we both participated in the first kiss.
Who asked who out?He did!
Who proposed?He did...but it was because he was in trouble...(hee-hee)
Who is more sensitive?of course me..
Who has more siblings?he does..he has 4, I have 2
Who wears the pants in the family? um, thats a good one.. I guess we share that role but I am taking the lead!
Tag your it:Jana, Rachelle, Meredith and who ever else reads this!
Our ebb and flo
8 years ago
WOW has it been 131/2 years. I am so glad you did this. I thought I knew everything about you. I learned some new things. Thanks for playing along. Love ya Lyndee
WOW has it been 131/2 years. I am so glad you did this. I thought I knew everything about you. I learned some new things. Thanks for playing along. Love ya Lyndee
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