Monday, November 19, 2007


We finally arrive after 5 hours on the plane..Abbey was so excited!
Bath time with favorite time with them!!
Abbey and Kyler..ready to drive away!
Great photo op....what adorable children!!
My mom, Abbey and I flew to Indiana to babysit for my sis Lyndee while she went on a trip with her husband. I learned (again) how a day in the life of a 2 year old is..very busy but very rewarding- I loved spending time with my nephew and adorable nieces. Bath time was my favorite..I don't know why-it could be because bedtime was soon or probably because they had so much fun in the tub..giggles and lots of splashing..Thanks Lyn & Doug for the opportunity to spend time with was so much fun!


Lyndee said...

Nikki, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for coming to help us. You took such great care of my kids. Your the best!!!Love ya Lyndee

Anonymous said...

You write very well.